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The Second Doctoral Students Forum: Academic Reports on Accounting and Finance of Business School of BTBU

Release time: 2022-04-26

Theme 1:Government shareholders' political hierarchy, regulatory enforcement, and corporate risk management behavior (30mins report and 10mins Q&A)

Presenter: Guo Huimin (a doctoral student from the Macquarie University, Australia)

Theme 2: Will the reputation of financial advisors influence the achievement of business commitments?

Presenter: Wang Zhongchao (a doctoral student from the Beijing Jiaotong University)

Introductions of presenters:

Guo Huimin is now a doctoral student majoring in finance from the Macquarie University, Australia. Her supervisor is Professor Gary Gang Tian. She received her bachelor's degree from the Shihezi University and her master's from the Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. Her research interests mainly focus on the enterprise risk management (derivatives), corporate governance (state-owned equity), etc. Her papers were published in journals from home and abroad, such as Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Accounting Research (3) and Journal of Financial Research. Besides, she gave academic reports on important academic meetings such as the American Accounting Association Annual Meeting and participated in many projects supported by national funds.

Wang Zhongchaois now a doctoral student majoring in finance from the Beijing Jiaotong University. He is a non-practicing certified public accountant. His research mainly focuses on the reforms of state-owned assets and enterprises and enterprise merger and acquisition. He hosted a basic scientific project supported by "the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities” and participated in a project supported by the National Social Science Fund, Humanities and Social Sciences Project Funded by the Ministry of Education, etc. His papers were published in journals such as the International Review of Economics and Finance, Accounting Research and Journal of Finance and Economics.

Host: Associate Professor, Peng Hongxing, head of the Department of Finance of the Business School, Beijing Technology and Business University (BTBU)

Time: 19:30-21:00 on Thursday, April 28, 2022

Place: Tencent Meeting (Meeting ID:888-260-116)
